Employee Plan Services
We offer employee plan and administrative solutions that go hand-in-hand with the management of your shareholder records at the transfer agent. Our services and independent software are an innovative and synergistic combination to provide you the value and tools you need in managing your shareholder-based compensation.
Equity Tracking Service
In addition to your normal transfer agent recordkeeping, we provide side-by-side Stock Option, Restricted Stock Unit (RSU) and Restricted Stock Award (RSA) tracking services for your employee equity awards. This is a hands off service that will be coordinated by A&P with your transfer agent services. You can view activity seamlessly with your shareholder records at the transfer agent.
Administrative Software
A&P offers a comprehensive cloud-based DIY software for managing ALL of your employee equity compensation. Issuers can manage stock options, restricted stock, warrants and other forms of stock awards including major classes of equity and other compensation within the system. The software includes 24/7 live technical support along with full training and data implementation provided by A&P Stock Transfer.
• Separate optionee online access portal with individual statement viewing
• Broker and employee connected interface
• All classes of options and warrants, incentive and non-qualified, and other awards (e.g., Restricted Stock Units & Awards (RSU/RSA), phantom units)
• Multiple vesting schedules
• Complete optionee record keeping
• Immediate access to all records and trade activities
• Customized reports